It has been two months since the completion of my recent artists' book Infatuation. I am approaching other ideas at the moment. No break this time between projects. At my last count, I had four projects in the works in my mind!
Writing on the creative process throughout last year revealed an interest in the knowledge of how my mind translates and develops each phase of the Creative Process intuitively. While waiting and trying to make sense of swirling thoughts, I spent time preparing to present and distribute Infatuation: writing the artistic statement, prospectus, and going over my contact list. I also completed the webpage with online information.
In the studio, I find myself starting the Creative Process all over again, but this time sensing each phase in a different light. Many small sheets of paper and sketches filled with ideas and probable solutions sit on my working table. These ideas play at the back of my mind as I try making sense of an intuition and the beginning of a new theme. I am trying to solve the questions on the why and how of my working title Incognito, an idea that came along while creating Infatuation. From this point, the title and all the drawings/sketches will be gathered while researching, reading, developing, determining and absorbing the theme. As the days, weeks, and months go by, some ideas will be discarded and others kept as the solution for the storytelling development comes to light.
Let’s see what the month of February brings as I let her buck!
© 2023 Louise Levergneux. First notes and sketch for Incognito.
© 2023 Louise Levergneux. Sand in a glass vial collected in Sabino Canyon located in the Santa Catalina Mountains and the Coronado National Forest near Tucson, Arizona.