I’m visiting the state of Ohio this week, a familiar area from when we lived in Stow for three years between 2004-2007. This period has allowed me the time to write, think of book structures and do some photography.
© 2018 Louise Levergneux, Restaurant Salaam's door handle, Athens, Ohio
© 2018 Louise Levergneux, Athens County Courthouse, Athens, Ohio
In between the rain and the sun, I communicated with contacts of various libraries and museums in Cleveland, Akron, Athens... Most librarians are on or leaving for a holiday, probably well deserved. City Shields and Windows of the Soul were acquired in 2006 when I visited with Gary Ginther at the Vernon R. Alden Library. I did get a chance to return to Athens and visit with Michele Jennings the present contact person for the Library of the University of Ohio.
© 2018 Louise Levergneux, Vernon R. Alden Library of The Ohio University, Athens, Ohio
The Mahn Center Archives and Special Collections of The Ohio University include over 1100 books. These creations complement the study of art and architectural history, theory, criticism, materials, techniques, and practice in the artists’ books that are part of the Fine Arts Library.
Athens is a charming small city nestled along the Hocking River in the southeastern part of Ohio. Surrounded by hills that rise about three hundred feet from river valley to the narrow ridge tops. Even with the pouring rain, I enjoyed being driven around and discovering the campus from my private carriage (remember the sprained foot.) Where has the sun gone? We are no longer in Arizona Toto!
My journey represents an opportunity to connect with librarians only communicated with in the past by email or phone. These meetings and talks with current or recent contacts about artists’ books or subjects that pop-up on the theme of my work energize me.
© 2018 Louise Levergneux, Ohio University Convocation Center, Athens, Ohio
With all the administrivia and trying to survive the humidity, I have yet to get back to the printed pages from my Utah séjour and assemble my books.
Northeast Ohio is home until the 29th of June then we embark on our westward trip to Tucson. Tucson is the city we’ll be collecting our bigger home on wheels. This will permit me to work on my books.
If you would like to meet or know an artists’ bookmaker I should be introduced to please email me… at this moment I will be traveling in and around Circleville, Ohio on the 30th of June. Then on my way to Cincinnati from July 2nd through to the 4th. St. Louis, Missouri is next on the 4th or 5th of July, depending. Once our plans to Tucson, Arizona are tangible, I will have more concrete dates and cities to announce in my next post as we travel through Kansas City, Denver, and Colorado Springs.