Next stop over Austin, Texas. Since 2018, during my first visitation to the Austin Book Arts Center, the key members have been very welcoming and invited me to join in any event happening throughout while staying in the city.
Approaching Austin, I instantly communicated with Olivia Primanis and Mary Baughman, letting them know of my plans. A prompt response was received with pertinent information on the Third Thursday Series of ABAC for the month of November. Olivia Primanis presented “How will I bind this artists’ book? I couldn’t miss this guest artist talk!
The email naturally included a kind invitation for me to participate in the conversation and present my own artists’ books. I happily brought two books and took part in the discussion. The overall session was a hands-on exploration of a variety of materials and structures that were used through the centuries and how they affect how a book handles. Carefully choosing a particular structure for your specific project remains a key element for success of the « raison d’être » of the artists’ book.
This was a terrific evening enjoying the camaraderie of people who appreciate bindings and artists’ books. An incredibly popular session provided me the opportunity to encounter other members of the ABAC.
If any of you are in the Austin area, visiting the Austin Book Arts Center it is worth the effort to properly engage with creative people experienced in book arts. If you have time, join a workshop in letterpress printing, bookbinding, papermaking, typography, or book history.