The weeks are flying by and I’m still hard at work finishing my book Finding Home. A looming deadline is approaching and panic is at play. As I fold over the last page, I’m reminded of my artists’ book Entre deux. A project that includes Turkish map folds in an accordion book and a flip book. Entre deux is an interactive documentary inviting the viewer to partake in a simple meal with a couple while being privy to the couple’s conversation on love.
I created Entre deux for the exhibition FEAST at 23 Sandy Gallery. I chose the accordion book and flip book format to give the viewer a sensory experience. By flipping the pages the viewer is part of the meal. While unfolding the Turkish map folds—breaking bread, the viewer takes part in the conversation.
© 2013 Louise Levergneux, Entre deux
© 2013 Louise Levergneux, Entre deux
© 2013 Louise Levergneux, Entre deux
© 2013 Louise Levergneux, Entre deux
In my studio, I am the initiator of each project, I hold the post of artist, photographer, author, designer, binder, printer, publisher, webmaster and lets not forget blogger.
In college, I explored the business side of my chosen career but never thought of wearing so many hats! No clue, that was me in college!
Beginning to live in reality, entrepreneurship revealed itself. Entrepreneur in English is pronounced—ahn-truh-pruh-noor, in French—an-tre-pre-neûr, and in any language—doing business alone.
• Founder and administrator of my domain, I handle each and every activity.
• Contractor and labourer, I organise and manage my time.
• Even as executive in charge, a raise is unattainable.
• I love being; but often can’t finance my work.
• Being an accountant gives me prestige, but the money isn’t multiplying.
My policy is to market, advertise and promote my work six months out of the year. Good luck with that!
Why do it, it’s part of who I am? Without my art I am lost. So, I continue the roller coaster ride of being an artist—life filled with wonder at the next idea or creation.
My first grade teacher—an avid drawer, inspired our class by drawing a new image every week on the chalk board. Rachel Lemire noticed my talent for art. Who discovered yours, your first grade teacher or Ellen Degeneres?
How do you do it? I would be interested in knowing your recipe for a successful artist career.
Oh! the day is passing and I need to print more pages...