Keeping in contact with artists and people is important in life, but it seems more significant as one travels.travels.
When emailing back and forth with Helen Hiebert about contacts we knew in Texas and groups in our paths... Helen mentioned an extremely active group worth visiting while in Arizona.
PaperWorks provides educational and creative opportunities for all who love paper works, work with paper, and work on paper. Members and committees promote the appreciation and enjoyment of the paper and book arts. They do so through monthly meetings, workshops, programs, classes, and exhibitions by members. The group also gives scholarships for students studying paper arts and even donates art supplies to a selected charity. PaperWorks presents workshops from artists like Helen Hiebert, Karen Hanmer, Shawn Sheehy, Daniel Kelm, Daniel Essig, just to name a few.
PaperWorks is a virtual association with a huge number of creative and inspiring members who meet on the second Thursday of the month, which I missed! I was a few days short of meeting at least one hundred of the members who come for information, networking, and all the opportunities that may be available. These meetings are open to members, guests, and the public free of charge.
© 2018 Louise Levergneux, PaperWorks has a published journal produced by members who volunteer for the job.
Check out the wonderful artists’ books in accordion structure by Carol Rawlings on page 19 of the latest PaperWorks Journal.
After an email to PaperWorks, I coordinated coffee time with Vice President Linda Penny and Treasurer Cherrie Lucerne-Martin. They were both very approachable and open to discuss the organization and their own work.
For example, Linda enjoys exploring all art media—collage, bookmaking, jewelry, stitching, mixed media, photography...
© Linda Penny, All That's Left, one-of-a-kind artists’ book
© Linda Penny, All That's Left
Linda Penny, Mélange
© Linda Penny, Mélange
I typically focus on one or two media for a while and then move on to something else, eventually returning to something I’ve done before, often taking it in a new direction or simply refining the process. A workshop or new art material can also inspire me to explore something entirely new. I am a teacher, both by profession and with respect to my art. Linda Penny
© 2018 Louise Levergneux, Clear Quartz and Citrine at the Gem Show
What and where will my journey bring me next—I will be in the Sedona, Arizona area for the next month. If you would like to meet or you have an organization that might interest me, please email me the information.