I can breathe now with the opening over, or can I?
I took photos for those of you who could not make it to the show.
© 2017 Louise Levergneux, a panorama of the show
© 2017 Louise Levergneux, the introduction to the show
© 2017 Louise Levergneux, Traverse and A Day Filled with Onomatopoeias
© 2017 Louise Levergneux, a peep of City Shields, A Day Filled with Onomatopeias, Perception (middle), Equinox (top right), Parade (far right), and Ambivalence (bottom right)
© 2017 Louise Levergneux, Parade (left), Ambivalence (back), Perception (front) and City Shields (final display was different)
The setting and presentation of my work made this exhibition successful. Equinox projected on the wall was effective in showing my obsession as an artist with the banality of every day for 9 years. Projected images lower to the floor made it possible for the viewer to relate to the daily archiving of my life and environment—thanks Michael for helping to set this up.
An artists’ books exhibition in Boise created a different experience for most people. Once, a common experience was established with each book, the viewer related interesting comments on their life and the relationship with my books.
However, I had hoped to display City Shields in a more cohesive manner. A wonderful shelf built for the show was not wide enough to fit the whole project. This created a side dish display of the volumes. The volumes should have been on the same shelf or a shelf below the manhole covers to help the observer in relating to the whole project. People asked—Why weren’t the manhole cover images on the floor?
© 2017 Louise Levergneux, City Shields (not the final display)
I enjoyed sharing my obsession with collecting and archiving the mundane in a unique, creative, and dynamic way for the viewer to experience. A great show reacquainting people with activities that link us together and introducing artists’ books to Boise.
Note received on Saturday about Incessant Journey:
I think your show looks magnificent. It is well presented and engaging. your work stimulates my interest in how your approach to your subject matter embellishes our perception of the ordinary made extraordinary. great job!
Lawrence Manning, hill street studios, Nampa, Idaho