Outside the Studio / À l'extérieur du studio
Outside The Studio is a photographic documentation and a study in movement and time featuring the four basic elements: Fire, Air, Earth, and Water. This flipbook project was published as a weekly edition.
screw post binding with black cloth covered mat board
inkjet prints on Inkpress paper
each book is presented in a white Strathmore paper gift box with a lid
2.5 x 5.25 in
each flipbook is an edition of 8 copies
signed and numbered
70-126 single pages, not paginated
$45 each flipbook
Flipbooks from Outside The Studio can be purchased directly from me via email
✷ please write the title(s) of the flipbook(s) in the subject field when purchasing (ex: week 52 — FIRE.6)
À l'extérieur du studio est une documentation photographique et une étude du mouvement et du temps mettant en scène les quatre éléments fondamentaux : le Feu, l'Air, la Terre et l'Eau. Ce projet de flipbook a été publié sous forme d'édition hebdomadaire.
couverture rigide recouverte de toile noire, feuillets maintenus par 2 rivets
impressions jet d'encre tirées sur papier Inkpress
chaque livre est présenté dans une boîte faite en papier Strathmore blanc avec couvercle
6 cm x 13 cm
chaque flip-book est édité en 8 exemplaires
le flip-book "Decision of the Flower" est édité en 3 exemplaires
signés et numérotés
70-126 feuilles simples, non paginées
45 $ chacun
l’achat de ces livres d’artiste peut ce faire directement auprès de moi par courriel
✷ assurer vous d'inscrire le.s titre.s du.des flip book.s avec l'achat (ex: semaine 52 — FIRE.6)
click on the title to view flipbooks / cliquez sur le titre pour voir chaque flipbook
Week 52 - FIRE.6 (traffic lights)
Week 51 - FIRE.5 (car lights at night)
Week 50 - FIRE.4 (candle burning)
Week 47 - FIRE.3 (burning campfire)
Week 39 - FIRE.2 (sun shining on water)
Week 24 - FIRE.1 (sun reflecting on water)
Week 45 - AIR.10 (tall grass in the wind)
Week 44 - AIR.9 (leaves twirling)
Week 43 - AIR.8 (leaves blowing in a tree)
Week 42 - AIR.7 (red Maple Leaf in the wind)
Week 29 - AIR.6 (heart mobile in the wind)
Week 26 - AIR.5 (Sunflower in a strong wind)
Week 22 - AIR.4 (flower petals blowing in the wind)
Week 12 - AIR.3 (rolling sage bush)
Week 11 - AIR.2 (Sheltie’s hair blowing in the wind) OUT OF PRINT/ÉPUISÉ
Week 10 - AIR.1 (cat tails in the wind)
Week 46 - H2O.12 (falling snow)
Week 41 - H2O.11 (beach wave)
Week 40 - H2O.10 (light on seaweed)
Week 38 - H2O.9 (driving in a rain storm)
Week 37 - H2O.8 (soap bubbles)
Week 34 - H2O.7 (umbrella in the rain)
Week 27 - H2O.6 (moving clouds)
Week 9 - H2O.5 (breaking ice)
Week 8 - H2O.4 (snow on a Burning Bush shrub)
Week 7 - H2O.3 (showering) OUT OF PRINT/ÉPUISÉ
Week 6 - H2O.2 (wave pattern on a lake)
Week 5 - H2O.1 (fountain spraying water)
Week 49 - EARTH.20 (man-eating corn) OUT OF PRINT/ÉPUISÉ
Week 48 - EARTH.19 (ducks eating)
Week 36 - EARTH.18 (green bug)
Week 35 - EARTH.17 (Monarch butterfly)
Week 33 - EARTH.16 (Bumblebee on flower)
Week 32 - EARTH.15 (Honey Bee)
Week 31 - EARTH.14 (gosling following mama Geese)
Week 30 - EARTH.13 (Canadian Mounted Police)
Week 28 - EARTH.12 (buffalo calf following his mama)
Week 25 - EARTH.11 (Swallowtail butterfly)
week 23 - EARTH.10 (gosling and dam crossing the street)
Week 21 - EARTH.9 (calf watching and following its mama) OUT OF PRINT/ÉPUISÉ
Week 20 - EARTH.8 (horse yawning)
Week 19 - EARTH.7 (horse scratching back end on a fence)
Week 18 - EARTH.6 (ducks in water)
Week 17 - EARTH.5 (ducks cleaning their feathers)
Week 16 - EARTH.4 (Seagulls watching)
Week 15 - EARTH.3 (Seagulls flying)
Week 14 - EARTH.2 (boy jumping rocks)
Week 13 - EARTH.1 (a man behind a movable sculpture) OUT OF PRINT/ÉPUISÉ
Week 1-4 Decision of the Flower (dog playing) OUT OF PRINT/ÉPUISÉ